Acquisition of company assets
Law firms associating lawyers i solicitors witness legal services and advisory services for a wide range of company transformation processes. They handle transactions in the private sector and those involving public companies, including those in a particular financial situation (bankruptcy, insolvency). They act on behalf of both acquired and acquiring companies, mergers and demergers, operating in various industries.
They advise not only on the formal and legal aspects of the planned transaction, but also on tax and business aspects. Their services cover all types of transformation transactions, including those aimed at merging companies.
In accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Law, capital companies may merge with each other and with partnerships. However, a partnership may not act as an acquiring or newly incorporated company and may only merge with another partnership by forming a capital company. Any company in bankruptcy or in liquidation may not be merged.
It is not possible to merge civil partnerships because they do not have legal personality and are therefore not legal entities.
A merger can take one of two possible forms. It may be effected by way of:
The most common transaction aimed at merger of companies is incorporation, i.e. the takeover of the assets of one company by another. As a result of the takeover, the acquiring company enters, as of the date of the merger, into all the rights and obligations of the acquired company, in particular the permits, concessions and reliefs that were granted to the acquired company, unless the law or, for example, the decision granting the permit, concession or relief to the acquired company provides otherwise.
Upon the merger of the companies - i.e. from the moment the increase in share capital is entered in the register of entrepreneurs, the shareholders of the acquired company become shareholders of the acquiring company, and the acquired entity is deleted from the register and consequently ceases to exist.
When carrying out an acquisition transaction, as well as other transformation processes, the specialists from the handling of these chambers always take measures that are optimal and tailored to the expectations and needs of the client.
The correct drafting of the documents and the course of the transaction are supervised by specialists in commercial law, civil, administrative and tax. The comprehensive services they provide include:
The extent of legal aid required acquisition of company assets is extensive and requires knowledge and experience. Lawyers have these at their disposal - it is worth entrusting them with the entire process to make sure it is successful.
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