Dr Marta Czech

Data protection specialist


Personal data protection specialist. Doctor in legal sciences, lecturer at the University of Białystok; participant in a number of specialised trainings and conferences in the field of information security and personal data protection, graduate of postgraduate studies "Information security and personal data protection in the public sector", conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the University of Białystok.


She has experience in the area of information security and personal data protection taking into account both the public and private sectors; holds the Information Security Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor (BS ISO/IEC 27001:2013) Certificate Number ENR-00461207; has carried out the duties of deputy Information Security Administrator in a public sector entity, served as a Data Protection Inspector; carries out training, audits and implementations for private and public sector entities.


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Location: ul. Krakowska 4 lok. U4/1 - second floor 15-875 Białystok

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.